Every December our church puts on a little Christmas concert. Well this year Katelyn was in it and as expected she stole the show!! In between songs Stephen read the Christmas story to her as part of the program. At first when they told me what they wanted to do I laughed out loud. "You want a 9 month old to sit still and pay attention through a 45min program!" But they had more faith in her then I did :) She did an excellent job, way better then anyone thought she would! Not only did she sit on Stephens lap the whole time but she sang and clapped right along with the choir. Yup we have a little performer on our hands. Anyways here she is all dressed and ready to go to church...
One of her most favorite places in the whole world, her daddy's lap...
Now for Christmas...Christmas morning was spent at my parents house for breakfast and presents. I worked the night before so I was tired and on top of that Stephen, Katelyn, Timothy and I were sick! So sick that Stephen talked about calling off Christmas *gasp*. But a few words and a couple of tears from me and Christmas went as planned ;-) I only had to compromise by taking everyone to the doctors the next day. As it turned out Katelyn and I both had sinus infections and ear infections while the boys were put on antibiotics for their sinus yuckies. That being said we looked pretty good in the following pics :-). Here is Katelyn and all her "Bubba's"

Jacob (11), Reed (2), Katelyn (9mon), Johnathan (9) and Andrew (7).
Here is Katelyn and I opening what turned out to be her favorite present, a pink baby stroller.
And here is Katelyn helping daddy put together her stroller.
Sorry these are all so late and so few but hey I am working on getting better at this whole blogging thing (obviously I have a long way to go!)