-she waves hi and bye
-she actually says "hi" (in the most adorable high pitch falsetto voice)
-she blows kisses and has started to give close mouth kisses although the occassional "birdie" kiss slips in
-she can sign "eat", "more", "finished" and "please"
-she knows what sounds elephants, monkeys and dogs make and tries to mimic them (we are working on frog but every time you say ribbit she bursts into laughter)
-she says "tickle tickle tickle" while trying to get your toes
-she is very empathetic, laughing when someone laughs and crying when someone cries
-she is eating table foods (or at least grilled cheese)
-she has six teeth (4 on top and 2 on bottom)
-she finally has enough hair to have bed head in the morning and after naps
-she loves to look at pictures in books and turn the pages
-she points at things and says "was that"
-she has learned the fun of watching others pick up things that she throws
-she is a walking machine
-she laughs or says "wow" when she falls down
-she says "baby" when she sees babies
-she has the most adorable way of asking you to hold her (she puts her whole arm, from elbows to pinkies, together
and then holds it out to you)
I think we could make this list go on forever but you get the basic idea. I can't begin to describe how wonderfully blessed we are to have this little girl in our life! She is such a joy to be around and we love her more than words can describe. So here is to Katelyn, Happy Birthday Sweetheart!
Katelyn took forever to eat her cupcake! Mainly because instead of trying to lick the icing she spent like 20 minutes picking it off to eat it
The Beginning
About 15-20 mins into it.
Final result...not too bad (of course you can't see all the icing because she is so white but trust me its there!)
A little dip in the sink before opening presents.

And her best present of all...
Kyle Wesley Neel born right before her party at 11:59
1 year old already?! Happy Birthday Katelyn!!
Katelyn you are so cute! You're a perfect blend of your mommy and daddy! Although, your mommy is a little mean for wishing triplets on me! ;) I think you need to tell her you're ready for three brothers and four sisters!!! AND no, cousins don't count!
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