Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bed Time Snuggles

I now have a much better understanding of the phrase "My cup runneth over".

Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Little Snow Angels

Katelyn's snow angel is obviously the one on the left. The one on the right is Stephens.
Had I known that he was participating and not just watching, I may have left the warm house and my cozy jammies and my yummy coffee to go get pictures.
Well maybe it is after all freezing outside ;-)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oh how I love this girl!

There are so many things I love about my almost 3 year old.

I love the unruly hair. It took her so long to get hair and now that she has it she doesn't want it in a ponytail or braids she wants it loose and crazy. Its a good reflection of her wild side.

I love her eyes. Oh how she speaks volumes with them. Happiness, sadness, craziness and love are all often seen there.

I love her imagination. We are often a family of pirates, doctors, royalty, adventurers, puppies, kittens etc

I love how shes a girly girl. From painted toe nails to her new fascination with chap stick to her love for playing dress up she is a girl through and through!

I love how she gets so excited and grateful about things. Even the little things like a glass of water excite a "thank you Mommy, thank you" and a hug from her.

And as pictured below I love how she asks to borrow my "Bobby" so she can feed ChaCha some mommy milk. Heck I even love that she named her baby doll ChaCha!

Is there anything not to love? I think not :-)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Thats my sneaky, stubborn Sarah

I don't like thumb sucking. I understand that its a soothing reflex for babies and little kids and I am not against the use of pacifiers infact Katelyn at 2 and a half still has hers. But my therory is that at some point I can take the paci away but I obviously can't take her thumb away. So imagine my dismay when Sarah found her thumb and decided it worked just as well if not better then her paci. Thats when I found that my little Sarah is quite stubborn and very sneaky. At first she would just use her thumb when she didn't have her paci. We would take it out and put her paci in and move on no big deal. That is until she decided to start taking the paci out, throwing it and using her thumb instead. After a few frustrating battles that ended often times with both of us in tears she is now doing this...